Problems: PHP turning a student mark to a grade using if elseif || Grade Calculator Using PHP and HTM

gpa calculate

Source Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<form method="post" action="index.php">
<input type="number" name="number" placeholder="inter u sub. marks"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit"><br>

$num= $_POST['number'];

if ($num>=80) {
echo "GPA: A+";
elseif ($num>=70) {
echo "GPA: A";
elseif ($num>=60) {
echo "GPA: A-";
elseif ($num>=50) {
echo "GPA: B";
elseif ($num>=40) {
echo "GPA: C";
elseif ($num>=40) {
echo "GPA: D";
elseif ($num<40) {
echo "Failed";


Screenshots of Source Code(Sublime Text):

gpa calculate source code
gpa calculate source code
gpa calculate source code

Output of Browser:

Marks: 55

Screenshot of  Output(Browser):

gpa calculate source code

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